



“es, very good.“ dard, said softly.



““ this yer, it“s amazing. t“s amazing to be able to do so ell in the 400-meter dash.

oever, oher hand, his srinting skills and skills, there is still some room for imrovement. he start and first half of the run, not so erfeeed tthen training. t could be that there is no rofessional training. her hand, it be seen from the final that this yer still has deficies in hysical distribution. here are still a lot of eak areas, the need for rofessional guidance, rofessional training.

oever, as this only yer, to run out of this result, really is remarkable. ou kno, this runner, in terms of the 400 meters, he got a differe, hich is a great thing. ust his erformae is the sed half, or ver
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